Our AGM is just around the corner. Everyone is welcome! Learn more about the club, ask questions and vote on resolutions. You can also put your name forward as a Board Member!

Looking for a fun Family Day activity? Join us for some skiing or snowshoeing and a free hot dog lunch on Monday February 17th!

Join us every Thursday at 12:30pm for our ladies snowshoe walk. Meet in the chalet and head out on a walk with the group! Check out our Facebook group for more information.

Update: January 17. The green trail is open and in fair to good condition.
Ski season is finally here! An update from our groomers: Orange, Blue and Yellow trails are open and in fair condition. The Green should be open by the weekend with more snow coming. Thanks to our groomers for all their hard work! See you on the trails!

Our groomers have been working hard to shovel snow on to the trails and create the base we need. The orange trail is now open!